
Recadio - Prevent Mac Audio Device Auto-Switch

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Recadio - Prevent Mac Audio Device Auto-Switch

8 ratings

Recadio is the best way to avoid the very annoying auto-switch when connecting a new audio device.

For a given combination of audio devices, it remembers your preferred input/output. If you want to change your preference, just use the menubar dropdown to select a new one and it will be remembered.

Important note

The app is not notarized. I'm not subscribed to Apple's $99 per year developer membership, as that would take over half the profits I make from selling this app. That means Apple will try to scare you with a popup saying the app could be dangerous.

Apple's notarization process mainly checks for malware and doesn't thoroughly review the app's functionality or safety as they would for App Store submissions.

They also have a website explaining how to install the app if that happens.

How to use it

If you're the visual learner, skip this text and go to the video below.

Recadio is a menu bar application. Once you open it, you'll see a new icon on your menu bar that looks half headphones, half alien.

Pro tip: command click + drag menu bar items to your favorite location.

Clicking on the icon will open the audio devices list, showing the currently selected input and output devices.

When you select an input/output from Recadio, it'll remember it as your preferred input/output for the current combination of devices. If you don't select anything, it'll behave with the default macOS device switching.

This means you have to select the device at least once within Recadio for the app to remember your choice.

Here's a –huge– video (I don't know how to make it a reasonable size ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


I'll keep this section alive with new QAs as I receive them

Q: I got an alert saying "Recadio can't be opened because Apple cannot check it with malicious software." and I can't install it.

A: That happens because I'm not subscribed to the $99/year Apple Developer program, so they try to scare people with that message. They have a website explaining how to install the app if that happens.

The summary is that you have to go to Settings / Privacy & Security, scroll down up to the "Security" section, and click on "Open Anyway".

Many people have requested that I subscribe, and I might consider it at some point, but it doesn't make financial sense for now.

Q: I selected a device in the macOS system preferences but Recadio doesn't remember my choices.

A: If you selected the device in the system preferences menu, there's no way for Recadio to know if it was you or the system making the selection. Therefore that selection is ignored. Only selections within Recadio will be remembered.

Q: Why does this app have a minimum macOS version requirement?

A: It requires significantly more work to make the app compatible with older versions of macOS. If there's enough interest I'll work on a release that is compatible with versions older than Ventura (13.0.0)


All features marked with ✅ are implemented, and ⬜ are possible improvements.

  • ✅ Remembers your audio input/output selection for a given combination of connected devices
  • ✅ Auto updates
  • ⬜ Add startup at login feature
  • ⬜ Sign the app to void the "Recadio can't be opened" popup
  • ⬜ Set device input/output by application
  • ⬜ Set devices' priority so auto-switches are always based on priority
  • ⬜ Add profiles
  • ⬜ Rename devices
  • ⬜ Hide devices from the list
  • ⬜ Block a device from ever being auto-switched to

I only implemented the features user have requested to avoid working on things you don't want. If you want to send me a feature request, please reach out at dgrcode@gmail.com or vote on the public board I set up for Recadio.

Some interesting facts

  • The name Recadio comes from "Remember choice of audio device input/output".
  • The logo is an alien head made with the shape of headphones
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The Recadio app

macOS version required
13.0.0 or above
9.08 MB
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